The Search and Rescue Medic II (SARMedic II) program-of-instruction is designed to prepare SARMedic candidates to manage critical care patients in prolonged field care (PFC) incidents. It is designed to provide the basic educational foundation required for managing and transporting critical care patients. In addition, it may serve as a springboard for those looking to expand into critical care transport. SARMedic participants will gain an understanding of the special needs that critical patients require during PFC from point-of-injury (POI) through critical care transport. They will become familiar with the purpose and mechanisms of hospital procedures and equipment. Participants will also develop the skills to maintain the stability of hospital equipment and procedures during transport.
The SARMedic series is a curriculum divided into broad modules. Each module has a specific instructional goal, a rationale and reading and learning objectives. It also lists necessary equipment to demonstrate various critical care techniques. Each SARMedic lesson contains a focus statement, which provides a specific direction about the subject matter topic and how it will contribute to the development of the SARMedic candidate. It also lists learning objectives, demonstration of equipment, additional readings, handouts, and a lesson outline.