Tactical Element

Military and Tactical Medicine

The United States Special Operations Command’s (USSOCOM) number one medical priority is eliminating loss of life on the battlefield. Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC) Guidelines were developed by USSOCOM to ensure that special operations forces (SOF) units suffering casualties on the battlefield are able to respond with actions that provide the best casualty care consistent with the tactical environment and quality small unit tactics.

Wounding sustained by personnel operating in unconventional environments require aggressive and definitive intervention beginning with the non-medical operator and on to the medic.  Tactical Combat Casualty Care is the foundation for the delivery of unconventional casualty care in unconventional environments.



Law Enforcement Medical Responder (LEMR)

Medical Care – Person in Charge (MC-PIC)
(United States Coast Guard National Maritime Center)

Medical Education and Demonstration of Individual Competence (MEDIC) TC8-800
(United States Army)

Range Medic (RNGMED)

Tactical Combat Casualty Care (TCCC)
(National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians)

Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC)
(Committee for Tactical Casualty Care)

Tactical Emergency Casualty Care (TECC)
(National Association of Emergency Medical Technicians)

Tactical Medic Advanced Skills Training (TMAST)

Tactical Medical Operator (TMO)

Tactical Medical Operator II (TMO II)

Tactical Operations Series: Advanced Airway Management

Tactical Operations Series: Basic Suturing

Tactical Operations Series: Opioid Overdose (Narcan Administration) – Instuctor

Tactical Paramedic – Certified (TP-C) Review
(International Board for Specialty Certification)

Tactical Responder – Certified (TP-R) Review
(International Board for Specialty Certification)